Friday, November 25, 2016

Wandering around Shanghai

Bill and I wandered into People's Park and enjoyed walking along the winding paths and various interesting pockets of foliage.

The weather was not so cooperative, it was overcast and damp.  We took refuge in the Tomorrow Square Marriott and had some beverages before heading to the Shanghai Museum.  After entering, I realized that we had been there before.

What is interesting about this hotel was that the lobby/bar area was on a very high floor!  Hence the vistas!  This place was part of the title of a book by James Fallow(s) called Postcards from Tomorrow Square.  Which chronicles China in the build up to the olympics in 2008.  An interesting read.

After the Shanghai museum, we wandered around looking for some evening entertainments.  We were trying to find the acrobatic show but struck out on that end, and realized that hunger was taking a toll in our moods.  We found refuge in a nearby mall and of course, ordered too much food.
 Crab roe Shulman
Braised lettuce with garlic
 Mao's red cooked pork

 Barbecued meat platter
Mushrooms with cheese
Mango moochi rolls (evertything else was really tasty, these were kind of yucky)

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