Thursday, November 24, 2016

More Shanghai Madness

We got up rather late, as usual, and headed over to Wagas.  It is a coffee shop/cafe that clearly caters to westerners and we thought that it would be OK to eat the salad greens there.

We headed out walking around as we had made arrangements to meet up with Alvina and Mick for dinner.  We decided to meet them near their hotel.  We arrived early and scoped out the "neighborhood" looking for a suitable option for dinner.  We found a couple of potential places and made note of them.  We headed over to the hotel and as we were a little early, settled into the bar for a drink.  Yeah, a 2 for 1 during happy hour!  Boo, we just had time to order 1 when Alvina and Mick arrived and we had to scurry off.  

The 4 of us agree on Mongolian Hot Pot.  I was really pleased that they were game.  They seemed to enjoy it, don't know if they would do it again.  They got into the swishing of the meat and diving for the veggies.  They enjoyed the sauces that were offered, so I chalked it up as a win-win.
As we walked out, Mick recognized these 2 players from the Guangzhuo Power team

We piled into a cab and went to the Pearl Tower, which neither of them had the time to see yet.  It turns out Alvina has a fear of heights and she worked very hard to be able to walk out on the plexiglass floor of one of the observation decks.
 Here's Alvina striking a pose!
 The Pearl Tower all lit up
 The beautiful Bund from across the Huang Po River

Mick took a great shot of Bill and I!

We ended the evening with a ride on the Shanghai metro.  Neither Mick nor Alvina had take the metro yet.  So we escorted them through the double tap system and where they had to change trains.  They were on their own getting off at their stop and walking back to the hotel.

Since we saw them both on Saturday, we knew they found it!

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