Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Our last day in Cairo

We awoke and Bill wanted to head to the market(s).  I was a bit concerned as there had been 2 attacks thus far in Cairo; one on policemen and a second on a Coptic church.  I was a bit concerned about being in touristic crowds.  We didn't bring maps with us, but had a general idea that the markets were in a certain direction.  We walked down a Main Street, July 26, and headed off to the southeast after hitting a park.  What we found as a completely local market.  We wandered in and there was a butchery area, with veal carcasses hanging, head, organs, and other assorted parts sitting on counters. There was no odor that sometimes butcher shops get.  There were electronic areas where they were selling rotary phones and fixing anything electronic you could need fixing.  Cell Phones, cell phone accessories, children's toys, clothing, and then furniture.

This was the most God-awful furniture I have seen . Huge over-stuffed pieces that belonged in Saddam Hussein's palace. Lots of gold embellishments...Think Trump.  All out on the street, not in a storefront.  Cars and trucks whizzing by, the bicycle banana man pedaling his fruit in a huge pile on the back of his bike.

We wandered around checking everything out, and avoiding "boring streets" and choosing only those streets that looked "interesting".  My stomach started cramping and I thought that it would be better to go back to the hotel by cab, than walk around some more and possible have to locate a toilet where there aren't any.

The cab ride was uneventful, and we got back to the hotel in one piece.

**final thoughts on Egypt**

Egypt needs more touristic infrastructure.  They have the basics, but are lacking in an integrated travel sector.  If they had an tourism ministry that could encourage less graft and baksheesh and more standardized approach to the antiquities.  Straightening out the Egyptian museum should be priority number 1.  What a waste of the treasures.

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