Sunday, April 12, 2020

What to do with leftover chicken.....why, make a chicken pot pie without the pie

I had made some chicken stock the other day and was looking to give some of it to neighbors, when it became clear that they had all left for places outside of NYC!  So sad, with so many containers of stock too!

I took some of the lemon chicken from the other night along with the usual veggies for a stew: carrots, celery, onions, some collard greens, potatoes and the veggies from the roasted chicken.  I sweated the onions a bit, added garlic, salt, dried shallots, and lemon pepper.  Into the pot went the rest of the veggies and after they had wilted a bit, I deglazed with some white wine.  I reduced that and added chicken stock and chopped chicken. Put the lid on and let it bubble away.  I realized I didn't add any flour to the pan in order to thicken the liquid, it is a pot pie after all.  I took about 2 t of soft butter and 2 t of flour and mashed them together to create beurre manie.  I added bits of it to the pot and, voila, beautiful creamy surroundings for the veggies and meat.

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