Sunday, April 12, 2020

Long time, no cook! Instant pot lasagna

In these strange, strange times of pandemic and other weird stuff, I have re-found my blog and am going to try to get back into this.

With home self-isolation, I now have time to post things up with photos and commentary.

Let's start with March 30, 2020.

We were going to have a zoom lunch with Anna and Andy and their posse.  They live in England, so it was the only way to see them and get to talk to them and their friends.  The proposed menu was italian.

I have a couple of new toys, 2 instant pots, which I really like.  I decided to make lasagna in the 8 qt pot so I could use the air-fryer lid to brown the top after it cooked.

I used Ivy Manning's instant pot lasagna recipe and it worked out perfectly.  The recipe is available on line or in the cookbook, Instant Pot Italian.

The recipe is a good one.  I did have a bit of leakage of the tomato sauce that was easily stopped by a double layer of paper towels under a layer of foil on the bottom.  The top was layered with foil as well.  Pressure cooked for the recommended time, actually, a bit longer as it was a bigger spring form pan.

The texture was excellent and it held together really well.  It made a tremendous amount for 2 people, but we managed to eat it all over a couple of days.  

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