Sunday, April 12, 2020

Salmon with mushrooms and onions

I adore salmon, almost in any way it's prepared.  Lately, I have been pan searing it with either cajun spices, blackening spice, lemon pepper, or just plain salt and pepper.

The key to getting luscious silky salmon is to not over cook it.  I have it down by now, and if I am unsure, I use an instant thermometer into the thickest part of the flesh and look for about 122-125 deg F.  It will carry over and get up to about 128-130 which is perfectly medium rare.  Taking the salmon out at about 122 ensures that the proteins in the flesh don't weep out and turn milky and chunky.  Yeech.

I prepped the onions and sauteed them after cooking the mushrooms.  I deglazed with some white wine and chicken stock and declared dinner ready.

I opened a nice bottle of carignane, and enjoyed the meal

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