We woke up early in order to make the 8:30 bus that would take us on our tour to the National Park in the mountains. We weren't quite sure what to expect! Would it be fun, a dud, uninteresting, exciting....
There are a bunch of people milling about waiting for the camion (truck) to take us up the mountain. We are waiting, waiting, waiting, more and more people show up....I guess about 12 all together. 9:00 comes and goes, 9:30 comes and goes...another truck roars by, but not our truck. Finally, it arrives. We all pile on and head out up to the mountains.
The road we take is towards Cienfuegos and then we veer off and start to climb. The truck is a modified dump truck. It's Russian made and the guide calls it a Russian Massage. There are waist high sides to the truck and pairs of seats on each side with a single bench seat in the very rear. The sides were too high to hang your elbow outside, so it was a bit awkward.
We pile back into the truck and head up higher on the mountain to the old Sanitarium from the Battista era. It is now a spa, under utilized from the took of it. We had a quick bathroom break and a chance to admire the sun dial before heading off to the coffee plantation.
I was interested in trying the coffee. I order an espresso with a ginger concoction added to it. It was very interesting. Bold, Biting, and quite tasty.
There was a cave, a small one, that we got to explore as we were heading to the waterfalls.
We got to admire the falls, but then had to push on. Several times along the hike we had to cross small creeks and there were log bridges with crude rails on one side.
Here we play follow the leader and hope that we don't set the log to wobbling too much. Not very likely and even if one fell off, it was just 2 feet to the ground.
Here's Bill showing off his grace and agility!
The next stop was at a water hole where, if you chose to, you could swim. But what actually thrilled us was that there were little fish that would swarm your feet when you dangle them in the water and nibble at your toes eating up any dead skin. Sounds gross, but it felt just fine. We passed up this opportunity in China, so that wasn't going to happen again.
Another couple of km down the path we hit the rest stop where we were scheduled to get lunch. It was a wide open space with several covered patio area. All set with long tables waiting for the groups that were eating there. There were chickens, horses, turkeys, cats, dogs, and assorted other avians all running around calming co-existing. Above the open ground, I noticed a large bird circling around in the thermals. As it dropped down to land, I saw that it was a vulture. These birds are immense! All dark feathers, enormous wingspan and nasty looking bald red heads. I understand why nature designed them that way, but yech, they are one ugly bird.
After getting back to the town, we asked John if he wanted to join us for a beer at the Iberostar. He agreed, and the three of us had a couple while we enjoyed the great aircon.
The three of us wandered back up to the center of town and stopped at another place for more brews. None of us were hungry at this point as lunch was late and quite filling.
Around 10, we said our good nights and Bill and I realized that NOW we were hungry. We stopped at the Jazz Club Restaurant and had a quick bite. We both had starchy things. He had lasagna and I opted for a rice-y cheese-y type thing. It did what it was supposed to!
Our casa was across the street, so off we went to hit the hay.
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