March 20 -
We did get up early. Took a taxi, a 1954 Chevy, from the wharf area to embassy to register our passports. The ride cost 10 CUC. The driver explained that he could not drop us off in front of the Embassy, but would get as close as possible. He said that the marine guards would not like to see a Cuban car stopping in front of the building. So he let us out about a block from the Embassy.
There was a very long line of Cubans there already, which made us think that we were in for a long wait in the sun. But, when we approached the gate and said we were Americans who wished to register their passports, the gate swung open, not really, but metaphorically after we handed over our passports! We were let into the guard booth and had to turn over our bags to them. We were told to go upstairs to the door, and we did, but there was no handle on the door!
It magically opened from the other side where a big guard told us to wait! We were led thru a series of hallways to a window behind which was a clerk. She was very helpful, took our passports and gave us a form to fill out. Which was basically a listing of the casas we were either staying in presently, or going to stay in during our stay in Cuba. We were given our passports back, and left the building.
It looked like it was going to rain, so I suggested that we stop for breakfast at this place on the corner. We just slid in for breakfast that stopped at 11am. After ordering and getting our coffees, the heavens opened up, and it teemed. I was so glad that we were under cover! When we finished our second cup of coffee, the rain stopped and we headed out to Hotel Habana Libre again to use their wi-fi.
We negotiated with them, well Bill did, I just was there to help our if we needed to make on the spot decisions. They had space in their casa for 3/28-30 and then again 4/1-5. We will be in Vinales 3/30-4/1.
Fortunately, Erik and Elvis have connections to a casa in Vinales and they booked it for us. They are very sweet people. They also arranged to have their son-in-law drive us to the airport the next morning. Our flight is at noon, but we are being picked up at 9.
We weren't that hungry as we had a late lunch at Cafe O'Reilly, so we ended up going to a posh hotel, La Santa Isabella, on Plaza des Armas, and had a couple of drinks and a cheese plate. Another lovely view from a patio at the edge of a grand plaza, this time with intermittent crashing rain.
We were lucky twice over as we were under cover again. And toddled our way back to the casa to finalize plans for our pick up.
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