Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Practice makes perfect

After struggling to figure out why I couldn't upload any photos, I got a brainstorm and a hunch that since Blogger is a Google product, perhaps I had to sync all of my stuff into Google products.

Success, only took 2 hours!

Below us a shot if the air train tracks as Bill and I made our way to JFK to visit Edna!

Of course, the fun part is watching to conductor work his magic.

Yup, his badness, my husband, Bill Kahn.  We like to"drive" the air train from the first car!

So what I need to do is to upload my choice of photos to google photos and put them in an album so that I can have access to them in order to post the.  Pain in the butt, if you ask me, but a necessary added step or two!

Good night,


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